
StanleyPrimary School

Learning with Confidence Together

Christmas Bazaar

Stanley's Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 7 December was, as usual, a wonderful event and Christmas is now well and truly here!


Santa called, bands performed, children sang and everyone had lots of fun.


A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came along it was a brilliant event and certainly lived up to its Twitter hashtag as the Best Christmas Bazaar in the South!


These events take a great deal of planning to be so good and once again FOSP were wonderful!

Stanley Primary School has achieved the Platinum School Games Mark award for their commitment and engagement in the School Games for 2023/24 * * * * * We have limited Preschool places available for September 2024, to register your interest go to About Us / Admissions * * * * * If you have a safeguarding concern about a child please contact the Single Point of Access on 020 8547 5008