StanleyPrimary School
Learning with Confidence Together
The Governing Body members are appointed for a term of 4 years. The Full Governing Body meets every term and observers are welcome to attend meetings (by arrangement with the Chair of Governors) but may be asked to leave if confidential matters are being discussed.
The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
Set the vision and strategic direction for Stanley Primary School
Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
Ensure financial resources are spent well
Governors work in partnership with the Headteacher and the senior leadership of the school, acting as ‘critical friends’ who both support and challenge. Governors do not get involved in the day to day operations of the school, although there are some statutory responsibilities set out in The School Governance Regulations 2013 and The Governance Handbook for academies, multi-academy trusts and maintained schools (March 2019).
Much of Governance work is done through sub-committees, to whom responsibilities are delegated to ensure the work the school does will deliver the strategic objectives set, and to benchmark the school’s performance against external comparators.
The Achievement & Curriculum (A&C) Committee monitors the attainment and progress of all pupils (reviewing information for key groups, rather than individual children). The effectiveness of the school’s curriculum offer is monitored both by the committee and link governors.
The Resources Committee oversees the setting and management of the school budget, staffing strategy and ensures the school meets its health and safety and accessibility responsibilities.
The Parents, Pupils & Community (PPC) Committee looks at how the school communicates with and responds to the needs of the pupils, parents and the wider community.
Governors report on how our responsibilities have been fulfilled through termly newsletters, and the publication of minutes of Full Governing Body meetings.
Parent Governor elections take place periodically. Parent Governors are elected for a four year term and there are always three Parent Governors serving on the board at any time. Stanley supports the Everyone on Board Campaign (Campaigns | Everyone on Board - National Governance Association ( aiming to increase the participation of people from ethnic minorities and young people in school governance.
Governors can be contacted at
| ||||||
Governor | Role | Governor Category | Appointed By | Term of Office | Committee Membership | Committee Voting Rights |
Shelly Beard
| Chair of Resources Committee | Co-opted | Governing Body | 10/07/17-10/07/21
12/07/21- Present | Resources Committee | Yes |
Jen Buckley | Chair of Governors
Chair of PPC Committee
| Parent | Parents
Co-Opt | 01/03/18- 01/03/22
14/03/22- 14/03/26
| Pupils, Parents & Community Committee
Achievement & Curriculum Committee | Yes
Jonathon Cardy
| LA | LA | 17/12/18- 17/12/22
17/12/2022- 17/12/2026 | Resources Committee | Yes |
Susan Chappel
| Co-opted | Governing Body | 17/12/18- 17/12/22
17/12/2022- 17/12/2026
| Resources Committee
Achievement & Curriculum Committee | Yes
Yes |
Lisa Day
| Associate Member | Governing Body | 02/09/20- 02/09/21
12/07/21- 12/07/22
19/09/22- 19/09/23 09/10/23- 09/10/24
30/09/24 - 30/09/26 | Pupils, Parents & Community Committee | No |
Ian Garrett
| Chair Achievement & Curriculum Committee | Parent | Parents | 01/12/20- 01/12/24
| Achievement & Curriculum Committee | Yes |
Simon Hawley
| HT | Ex-officio | 01/01/20- present | All Committees | Yes |
Anna Logan
| Safeguarding | Co-opt Governor | Governing Body | 11/07/22-11/07/26
| Pupils, Parents & Community Committee | Yes |
Rebecca Luing-Turnbull
| Staff Governor | Staff | 14/01/22- 14/01/26 | Pupils, Parents & Community Committee | Yes
Theresa McDermot | Associate Member | Governing Body | 12/12/2022-12/12/2023 | Pupils, Parents & Community Committee | Yes | |
Guy Redhead
| Associate Member | Governing Body | 02/09/20- 02/09/21
27/09/21- 27/09/22
27/09/22- 27/09/23
30/09/24 - 30/09/26 | Achievement & Curriculum Committee
| No |
Kathy Saunders
| Vice Chair | Co-opted | Governing Body | 26/03/18- 26/03/22
28/03/22- 28/03/26 | Pupils, Parents & Community Committee
Achievement & Curriculum Committee
Resources Committee | Yes
Yes |
David Wilson | Health and Safety Governor | Parent | Parents | 01/04/22- 01/04/26 | Achievement & Curriculum Committee
Resources Committee | Yes
Yes |
Christopher Seah | Parent | Parents | 12/12/2022- 12/12/2026 | Resources Committee | Yes | |
Taryn Harding | Chair A&C Committee | Co-opt Governor
| Governing Body | 12/12/22-12/12/26 | Achievement & Curriculum Committee
| Yes |
Theresa McDermott |
| Parent Governor
| Governing Body | 09/10/23-09/10/24 | Pupils, Parents & Community Committee | No |
| ||||||
Governor | Role | Category | Appointed By | Term of Office | Committee Membership | Date Stepped Down |
Ian Garrett
| Chair Achievement & Curriculum Committee
| Parent Governor | Parents | 01/12/20-01/12/24
| Achievement & Curriculum Committee | 20/07/24 |
Susan Chappel
| Co-opt Governor | Governing Body | 17/12/18-17/12/22
| Resources Committee
Achievement & Curriculum Committee
| 20/07/24 |
Sarah Gordon-Steward | Chair of Pay Committee | Co-opt | Governing Body | 27/09/21- 09/10/23 | Resources Committee | 09/10/2023 |
Register of Interests
The table below outlines the business interests of governors of Stanley Primary School. It also outlines if they are a governor at another school and if they are related to a member of our school staff.
Governor | Businesses Company Directorship | Charity Trusteeships | Membership of Professional or Public Bodies/Membership Organisations/ Special Interest Groups | Contracts offered by the governor for the supply of goods or services to the school | Governor or Trustee of any other schools | Relationship to staff member |
Shelley Beard | Nil | Stanley Charitable Trust | Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Jen Buckley | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Jonathan Cardy | Nil | SPEAR trustee and Chair of Operations | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Susan Chappell | Nil | ETNA | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Lisa Day | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Ian Garrett | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Tanya Harding | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Simon Hawley | Nil | Stanley Charitable Trust | National Association of Headteachers | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Anna Logan | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Rebecca Luing Turnbull | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Theresa McDermott | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Guy Redhead | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Kathleen Saunders | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Christopher Seah | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
David Wilson | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Rebecca Luing-Turnbull |
Sam Proctor |
Attendance at Meetings
NB: During the Coronavirus lockdown some Governor committee meetings were postponed and priorities covered as part of the FGB agenda.
Governor | FGB
09.10.23 18.12.23 25.03.24 08.07.24
| Resources Committee
20.10.23 08.12.23 02.02.24 14.03.24 17.05.24 12.06.24 | Achievement & Curriculum Committee
18.09.23 20.11.23 22.01.24 29.04.24
| Pupils, Parents & Community Committee
06.12.23 06.03.24 26.06.24 |
Shelly Beard
| 4/4 | 6/6 | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Jen Buckley
| 4/4 | 5/6 | 4/4 | 3/3 |
Jonathan Cardy
| 3/4 | 6/6 | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Susan Chappell
| 3/4 | Not applicable | 3/4 | 1/3 |
Lisa Day
| 0/4 | Not applicable | Not applicable | 3/3 |
Ian Garrett
| 2/4 | Not applicable | 4/4 | Not applicable |
Sarah Gordon-Stewart
| 0/4 | 0/6 | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Simon Hawley
| 4/4 | 6/6 | 4/4 | 3/3 |
Anna Logan
| 3/4 | Not applicable | Not applicable | 3/3 |
Rebecca Luing-Turnbull
| 3/4 | 2/6 | Not applicable | 2/3 |
Guy Redhead
| 2/4 | Not applicable | 1/4 | Not applicable |
Kathy Saunders
| 4/4 | 5/6 | 4/4 | 3/3 |
David Wilson
| 4/4 | 6/6 | 4/4 | Not applicable |
Taryn Harding
| 3/4 | Not applicable | 4/4 | Not applicable |
Chris Seah | 4/4 | 5/6
| Not applicable | Not applicable |
Theresa McDermott
| 4/4 | Not applicable | Not applicable | 2/3 |
Sam Proctor
| 4/4 | 4/6 | 4/4 | 3/3 |
Please see below for copies of the most recent Governing Body newsletters and letters to parents.
Please see below for minutes of recent meetings of the Full Governing Body.
Governing Body Meetings 2023/24
Monday 30 September @ 19.15
Monday 9 December 2024 @ 19.15
Monday 24 March 2025 @ 19.15
Monday 7 July 2025 @ 19.15