For all children at Stanley Primary School:
- Progress is continually monitored by the class teacher.
- Progress is reviewed formally every term across the year group and with Senior Leaders. A SEND review takes place two times a year to ensure that all children with additional needs are making progress.
- Information about progress is shared with you at a parent’s evening in the autumn and spring term. In the summer term, an end of year report will be provided.
- At the end of key stage 2 (year 6) the government requires all children to be formally assessed using Standard Assessment Tests (SATS) and the results are published nationally.
In addition to this:
- For pupils with SEND, progress against targets and expected outcomes will be monitored through their SEND Support Plan. This will be informed by the views of the pupil, parents and class/subject teachers and assessment information, which will show whether adequate progress is being made.
- For pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan there will be an annual review of the provision made for the child and progress towards end of key stage outcomes.