
StanleyPrimary School

Learning with Confidence Together


Stanley Primary School seeks to ensure that all pupils receive a full-time education which maximises opportunities for each pupil to realise their full potential.


The following documents can support you to ensure that your child has good attendance:

It is our aim that all children will achieve a level of attendance that is 96% or above. We aim to support parents/carers and families to achieve this, but also expect parents/carers to work with the school and carry out their legal duty.

We also monitor levels of attendance and punctuality regularly and work closely with the Local Authority Education Welfare Service to promote good levels of attendance.


The school day

Pupils can access classrooms from 8:40am but must arrive in school by 8.50am on each school day. (Pre-school sessions start at 8.45am/12.30pm).

The register for the morning session will be taken just after 8.50am and pupils who arrive after this will be recorded as late to school. Registers officially close at 9.30am and after this time, lateness is recorded as an unauthorised absence.

Afternoon registration is taken at 12.45pm for EYFS / KS1 and 1.15pm for KS2 classes.


Reporting an unplanned Absence

Parents must notify the school by 9am (or as soon as practically possible) on each day of absence, whenever their child is unable to attend school and provide a clear reason for the absence. This can be done by:

  • emailing goving name, class and all symptoms 
  • telephoning 020 8977 4858, selecting option 1 and leaving a voice message giving name, class and all symptoms
  • leaving a message in person at the school office
  • letter (if another parent or child can deliver it by 9am on the morning of absence) 


A clear reason for absence must be stated e.g. sickness and diarrhoea, chest infection, high temperature.


Please note that children should not return to school for a minimum of 48 hours after an episode of sickness or diarrhoea.

Should the school not be notified of an absence then we will contact the parents to obtain a reason for absence. 


Leave during the school day

Whenever possible, parents/carers should try to arrange medical and other appointments out of school hours. Where this is not possible, the child should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary. Parents/carers should consider the disruption to their child’s learning and try to request an appointment later in the school day for example.

Parents/carers are requested to use one of the above communication methods to confirm the reason for any planned absence, the time of leaving and the expected return time and to do this as far in advance as practicable. Evidence of the appointment or examination etc. must be provided for the absence to be recorded as unauthorised.

Pupils must be signed out at the school office on leaving the school and signed back in on their return. 


Holiday during term time

We do not authorise holiday during school term time. Any request for exceptional absence should be made using the form in our Attendance and Punctuality Policy.


Celebrating good and improved attendance

We celebrate the attendance of our children by recognising those pupils with good attendance and those pupils who have improved their attendance.

For more information on attendance, please refer to the school’s Attendance and Punctuality Policy or via the ‘policies’ section of this website.

Stanley Primary & Preschool - For Admissions please go to About Us / Admissions. "In the early years, the learning environment is purposeful and inviting. Activities are both fun and meaningful." Ofsted 2024 * * * * * Stanley Primary School has achieved the Platinum School Games Mark award for their commitment and engagement in the School Games for 2023/24 * * * * * If you have a safeguarding concern about a child please contact the Single Point of Access on 020 8547 5008