StanleyPrimary School
Learning with Confidence Together
We operate two Pre-School sessions - children usually attend one of these:
08.45 -11.45 and 12.30 -15.30.
A session will include:
Time for carefully planned and structured play:
to challenge children and develop their skills and knowledge.
Time for free play:
to enable children to demonstrate their interests, understanding and abilities and pursue problems and enjoyment!
Time for learning in small groups or one to one with an adult
Time for refreshment, sharing and taking responsibility for looking after each other
Time to sing, create, paint, construct, become engrossed in stories and books, join in with rhymes, collaborate
A typical session is as follows:
Parents bring their children into Pre-School and settle them at an activity
Busy Learning Time (indoors and outdoors) (a mix of free choice provision and learning in small groups or one-to-one)
A focused learning session with an adult
Further Busy Learning Time (indoors and outdoors) (a mix of free choice provision and learning in small groups or one-to-one)
Songs, rhymes and story before children are returned to parents at the Pre-School door.