
StanleyPrimary School

Learning with Confidence Together

Are Eggs Alive?

We were delighted to welcome one of our parents, Jason, and his hens into school for an assembly to launch Reception’s “Are Eggs Alive?” topic.

Pupils got a chance to meet and stroke the hens as well as learn more about them. Eggs will certainly seem more alive in a few days’ time as Jason has very kindly donated eggs and an incubator to the school and pupils will be able to witness chicks emerging from the eggs shortly.

Ms Sarah Peterson, Early Years Leader, said: “This was a fantastic launch to our “Are Eggs Alive?” topic and we are very grateful to Jason for coming in to see us and for the incubator and eggs – we are really looking forward to seeing the chicks hatch!”

Jason has also said that he is happy to help any families who are interested in keeping hens – he has suggested you contact him via the school office and he will make sure you know what is involved and that the hens will be looked after well and are homed in the correct environment. All just for a small donation to the school.

Thank you once again Jason.

Stanley Primary & Preschool - For Admissions please go to About Us / Admissions. "In the early years, the learning environment is purposeful and inviting. Activities are both fun and meaningful." Ofsted 2024 * * * * * Stanley Primary School has achieved the Platinum School Games Mark award for their commitment and engagement in the School Games for 2023/24 * * * * * If you have a safeguarding concern about a child please contact the Single Point of Access on 020 8547 5008