On Monday 25 April we will be launching the next value in our values education project, Responsibility. Some examples of behaviours that demonstrate this value are:
- Making good decisions in our own behaviour
- Taking responsibility for our learning
- Asking when we need help
- Being independent
- Ensuring we bring the necessary belongings to school e.g. book bags, reading diaries, homework
- Taking care to work hard
- Being proactive – not stepping over litter, coats, etc.
- Seeing a need– stepping in
- Caring for others
- Demonstrating altruism
- Being involved in School Council- seeing this responsibility as important – being willing to work hard at it
- Taking responsibility for our own health – physical, mental and emotional wellbeing
- Caring for pets / family
- Volunteering to do things in school, the community, etc.
- Being involved in and committed to outside clubs – e.g. Cubs/ Scouts/ Brownies/ Guides/ sports
Please could you discuss Responsibility with children at home, and explore ways to reinforce it. Each week we will give special certificates to those children who demonstrate good values, and these will be displayed in the office reception area. Please feel free to come and look at them.