StanleyPrimary School
Learning with Confidence Together
On Friday 11 July 2014 it was our children's turn to run the school! Pupils took registers, ran classes and did important errands around the school. See pictures below.
The original idea for the day came from one of our School Councillors. This is their report from the day:
"On Friday the eleventh of July 2014 at Stanley Primary School, the pupils ran the school. Looking forward I think the day will happen again.
Tilly and Jonty (our School Councillors) go to regular meetings with all other School Councillors along with Miss Leney. School Councillors give ideas to benefit the school like:
Playground equipment
School trips or days like Friday
Determined, the year six School Councillors put forward the idea of a ‘children teach day’ where all those pupils wanting to teach a lesson would teach a lesson of their choice. This idea expanded and was then first experimented on Friday 11 July 2014.
Nearly every child in our class taught a lesson from gardening to ICT to PE, dance, science and art, not including the children doing the registers and running the assemblies. I taught with Holly and Scarlett, we taught, I was very pleased about that because we could choose any experiment (that didn’t blow the whole school up) we chose an acid experiment. It was simple yet effective. Plastic cups were filled with salt and vinegar then a copper coin was placed inside it. After ten seconds the coins were lifted out and investigated.
The day was a great success and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope it happens again."