
StanleyPrimary School

Learning with Confidence Together

Gentleness value launches Monday 16 November

On Monday 16 November 2015 we will be launching the next value in our values education project, ‘Gentleness’. Some examples of behaviours that demonstrate this value are:


  • being aware that our own behaviour impacts others and that we have the ability to impact for good and for bad
  • being able to manage our feelings (including anger) and behaviour towards others
  •  recognising what makes us angry and channelling this appropriately
  • responding appropriately when others are angry with us
  • showing consideration towards our shared environment, being gentle in the way we move around and use the materials around us
  • demonstrating kindness and care towards others
  • being sensitive toward others – aware of personal space, aware of how others are feeling and responding appropriately
  • showing empathy, forgiveness and mercy
  • carefully planning and delivering a response to wrong-doing that is not violent and aware of others’ feelings and needs
  • to be able to respond to bullying (of self or others) in appropriate and non-violent ways
  • being able to calm sensitive or difficult situations
  • being able to talk about how gentleness links and can be expressed in our other school values


Please could you discuss ‘Gentleness’ with children at home, and explore ways to reinforce it. Each week we will give special certificates to those children who demonstrate good values, and these will be displayed in the office reception area. Please feel free to come and look at them!

Stanley Primary School has achieved the Platinum School Games Mark award for their commitment and engagement in the School Games for 2023/24 * * * * * We have limited Preschool places available for September 2024, to register your interest go to About Us / Admissions * * * * * If you have a safeguarding concern about a child please contact the Single Point of Access on 020 8547 5008