
StanleyPrimary School

Learning with Confidence Together

"From Ordinary to Extraordinary" Art

Arts Week was Monday 5th to Friday 9th February and the children produced some amazing art which was appreciated by parents and visitors to the Art Exhibition at the end of the week. You can view examples of the work as well as the children in action during the week in the slideshow below.


The theme was “From Ordinary to Extraordinary” and the work certainly reflected this.


Over the week experts from Orleans Gallery ran workshops to give children experiences of printing and design equipment that we don't have in school; children have been gluing, sticking, painting, modelling - individually and in groups, with materials ranging from nuts and bolts to sticks and logs!


Congratulations to all the Stanley artists for creating such an impressive exhibition.

Stanley Primary School has achieved the Platinum School Games Mark award for their commitment and engagement in the School Games for 2023/24 * * * * * We have limited Preschool places available for September 2024, to register your interest go to About Us / Admissions * * * * * If you have a safeguarding concern about a child please contact the Single Point of Access on 020 8547 5008