
StanleyPrimary School

Learning with Confidence Together

E.T. screening at Film Club Sat 6 February

On Saturday 6 February 2016, Film Club will be showing E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial (PG). ‘Without E.T. there would be no Toy Stories’ wrote one critic about this much-loved all-time classic. It’s a heart-warming tale of an alien, discovered by 10-year-old Elliott, who joins his family life at a difficult time and also includes a whole host of comedy moments - but ultimately seeks a way to ‘go home’. A great example of a story told from the children’s perspective, the film redefined Sci-Fi drama when it was released. Directed by Stephen Spielberg, the adventure but may be a little challenging for very young viewers, so we recommend this for the over 7s.


Film trailer:


Running time: 110 minutes Doors open: 13.30 Film starts: 13.45 (approx.).

£2.50 on the door for film and popcorn 


We ask that no children in Year 2 and under attend unaccompanied by an adult, although parents and carers are welcome to stay.


Please come along- all profits go to the school!

Stanley Primary School has achieved the Platinum School Games Mark award for their commitment and engagement in the School Games for 2023/24 * * * * * We have limited Preschool places available for September 2024, to register your interest go to About Us / Admissions * * * * * If you have a safeguarding concern about a child please contact the Single Point of Access on 020 8547 5008