StanleyPrimary School
Learning with Confidence Together
The May Fair is almost upon us! Sunday 18 May 2014, 12:00 – 16:00.
Raffle tickets: these have been sent home in book bags.
Silent Auction: could you or your business offer a ‘service’ (accountancy, admin, photography, decorating, vehicle service, spring clean, etc.), or any other item (sports memorabilia, event tickets, etc.) that we could auction? If so, please contact Natasha at with your ideas or donations. Thank you.
Plant stall: we would love to receive any spare pot plants, garden plants, cuttings or seedlings that you are able to donate. Please bring all labelled contributions to school on Saturday 17 May or on the morning of the May Fair. Please call Louise Lawson on 07974 330850 if you have any queries.
Second-hand toys and books: all donations can be dropped into the main office from Tuesday 6 May 2014. Toys, games, children’s books, DVDs, CDs and computer games are all welcome, but please no bric-a-brac or VHS videos. Please can you ensure that all puzzles are complete.
If you have a spare half an hour after drop-off or before pick-up to assist with sorting and storing the toys, that would be greatly appreciated .
Sign-up sheets: these are outside classrooms and year groups. Please do sign up for a shift on your class stall – it’s fabulous fun and your children can help!
Lucky Dip: if you have any party bag gifts, Easter sweets or little toys at home that are surplus to requirements, they can be used as lucky dip prizes. Please drop them into the office in a labelled bag .