
StanleyPrimary School

Learning with Confidence Together

Cake sale raises £162

A big thank you to everyone who came to last Friday’s 'Pirates and princesses' cake sale, which was a sell-out and raised £162 for the school. Many thanks to Willow, Chestnut and Maple for baking and supplying the cakes. Every sale we do makes such a difference in terms of the additional money it brings to us, and none of these events would be possible without the help and support of our volunteers on the day. A special thanks to Johanna Pedrick for managing our cake sales.

Stanley Primary School has achieved the Platinum School Games Mark award for their commitment and engagement in the School Games for 2023/24 * * * * * We have limited Preschool places available for September 2024, to register your interest go to About Us / Admissions * * * * * If you have a safeguarding concern about a child please contact the Single Point of Access on 020 8547 5008